Secret Sexiness 1.4

BOOK 1 FINAL COVER redo 4 24 2017  BOOK 2 FINAL COVER  twitter-312464_960_720  facebook ico

She briefly leaned against him, as if gathering her sanity.  She took a deep breath and resumed her authoritative tone. “Do you need to step into my office to… straighten up?”
He was still looking deeply into her eyes.  He wanted her so badly.  His brain was doing summersaults as he tried to think of ways he could throw her down and fuck her right then and there.  Finally he took a deep breath and said, “No. I’m ok.
She straightened her shirt and walked her normal fast-paced walk back out to the front desk.
In her usual curt and matter-of-fact tone, she said loudly, “Good morning Dave.”
Ben heard Dave return her greeting, and then Ben walked out to the reception desk to say hello to the lifeguard.
He watched as Jules gathered her keys and some paperwork and told them that now there were three guards, she was going to run to City Hall to do some paperwork.  She said she’d be back around noon, and if they needed her to call her cell.  She quickly walked to the front door and out to her car, then she pulled away.
After she was gone, Ben noticed that she had been acting like nothing had happened, acting just like she always did.  She had spoken to both of them while she was gathering her things, without really looking at either of them.  She was acting very busy and in a hurry, as always.  It made him smile to think of her behavior in light of knowing that she must be as horny and disappointed as he is.  He realized that maybe she’s always acting cold and professional as a way to hide what she’s really thinking and feeling.

BOOK 1 FINAL COVER redo 4 24 2017  BOOK 2 FINAL COVER  twitter-312464_960_720  facebook ico

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