Something New 1.7

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Back at her hotel, she kept thinking about him. Who is this guy, and what does he do?

She couldn’t think of a good reason why he wouldn’t tell her. Unless it’s something illegal.

But she decided he wouldn’t have invited her if it was illegal. Or would he? Then she started to worry she was walking into something unsafe. She told herself, If he’s a guy that’s looking to do something bad, then he had ample chance today when I was practically blacked out. No. This is a nice guy.

She had recently been trying the online dating thing, and she had a deal with her friend that she’d always tell her the guy’s name and where they were going. Her other deal was to never sleep with the guy on the first date. Her friend had made a caveat for this one — unless you’re super horny, and OK with a one night stand.

Taylor hadn’t been on a second date- or been desperately horny- so the online dating had not paid off so far.

But her cautiousness got the best of her. She googled the address Graham has given her. It was a venue, and the headliner for the next night was Graham Clark. She smiled at his picture on the website. He looked humble and happy, not like she would expect from a guy in show biz. There wasn’t any other information about Graham’s show, except that two other names In a smaller font that she didn’t recognize.

She thought about what she’d just learned. Deciding that she’d done enough e-stalking for the night, she typed his number into her phone and texted him.

Taylor: Hey, it’s Taylor.

He wrote back pretty quickly.

Graham: Well, hello there.

Taylor: Sorry, but I couldn’t resist googling the venue for tomorrow.

Graham: Uh-oh. So you know my deepest darkest secret?

Taylor: Not really. Just that you have a show. There’s no info!

Graham: Excellent. It’ll still be a surprise.

Taylor: I’m assuming comedy show.

Graham: How’d you come to that conclusion?

Taylor: It’s either comedy or magic, and you don’t have the ego to pull off magic.

Graham: Thank you?

Taylor: Totally a compliment. I heard comedians stay up all hours of the night. Is that true?

Graham: Depends.

Taylor: Don’t be coy!

Graham: I do sometimes. I hear lawyers are the craziest partiers.

Taylor: No, just law students. Did my time a while back.

Graham: So, you have to work all day tomorrow?

Taylor: Not all day. I’ll go in around 11, after the guys go play golf.

Graham: Did you eat?

Taylor: Just ordered. Room service. Corporate account. 🙂

Graham: Swanky.

Taylor: Want me to order you something?

Graham: If you need to practice pretending to have a boyfriend, you can just ask.

Taylor: Well… I definitely need the practice…

She smiled as she sent the last text, hoping he’d take it as innuendo instead of desperation.

Graham: What do I wear to a practice date with a beautiful stranger in a swanky hotel room?

She felt her heartbeat increase. Beautiful. She couldn’t remember the last time a guy had called her beautiful.

She decided to be bold.

Taylor: It doesn’t really matter. You won’t wear it for long.

She was still smiling at her forwardness, and he responded.

Graham: Well, now I know you’re teasing me. If you really want me to come over, just tell me where I’m going, and I’ll order an Uber.

She thought about telling him she had been serious, but she just sent him the address, and they exchanged a few more texts about what he wanted to eat. After he explained his food allergies, she wrote: So you’re basically allergic to everything?

Graham: Yep. Good luck finding something. 🙂 See you soon.

She ordered the extra food, then hopped in the shower to rinse off. Taking a steamy shower always made her feel sexier, and more relaxed. For some reason, she was incredibly nervous about hanging out with Graham again. Her stomach felt fluttery, and she couldn’t stop smiling. She decided the funny feelings were just because she was hungry.

~Click Here to see all the chapters in this story (so far)~

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